Selasa, 07 November 2017

The Nation Father Byword RADEN HAJI OEMAR SAID TJOKROAMINOTO: ( Sarekat Islam’s Founder)

The Nation Father Byword
( Sarekat Islam’s Founder)
Nur  Faozah
 Islam’s Culture’s History
IAIN Syheikh Nur Jati Cirebon

            This Journal represents to with referece to big warrior trail record of us which born in Countryside of Bakur, Jiwan’s subdistict, Madiun’s regency, East Java, 16 August 1882 - dying in Yogyakarta, 17 December 1934 at age 52 year, complete so called of  Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, national warrior now that more knowledgeable by the name of H.O.S Cokroaminoto, He represent a leader one of the big organization that is Sarekat Islam (SI). De Ongekroonde van of Java its name epithet, is one of the exponent of movement in Indonesia and as teacher all big leaders in Indonesia, leaving from idea is bearing is assorted of Indonesian nation ideology at that moment. His house have sufficient time to be made by house of kost big leaders to bail science to him, that is Semaoen, Alimin, Muso, Soekarno, Kartosuwiryo, even Tan Malaka have to him, he is one who first time refuse to at one's feet of Dutch, after he die to born variegation movement of indonesia woke up by its pupils, namely socialist clan and communism embraced by Semaoen, Muso, Alimin, Soekarno which is nationalist, and Kartosuwiryo which is islam double as personal secretary. But, third its pupil is disagreing each other according to each understanding.

 Background of is Problem of this started in the early century 20, people which is oppressed by colonist of Dutch colonial economical and political have disturbed liver and idea a Cokroaminoto. Policy of Dutch nation moving Iease system do not be well-balanced, making all indigenous merchant start to weep to scream. How do not, all indigenous merchant start to experience of degradation of continuous capital effect of natural Iease system of process doubly, on the contrary all entrepreneur of continuous cina go up level and expand till get second predicat after all European entrepreneur.
See that all, Cokroaminoto which enter into organization of Sarekat Trade Islam led by Samanhudi, what nowadays finally he lead organization of Sarekat Islam. Because intellegence and goodwill its to make Indonesia become better him become byword to its pupils which represent big people is including first persiden of Indonesia (Sukarno), as well as other warriors.
            Formula of is problem of by xself study about who is H.O.S Cokroaminoto, how Background idea result and education, how in fact situation of society at that moment. This journal aim to know and extend readers knowledge to be reader can add khazanah hidden from each;every event, and also take benefit of that Iesson all so that what us of  can do be valuable, good to others and also ownself.


 " What we wish is same feel, quit ofly of difference of religion. Sarekat Islam (SI) wish to lift equation all Indies race in such a manner so that reach (stage). The opposing capitalism and tolerance will not predominate human being to other human being. The will just cooperate with whom which will work for this importance."

 Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto’s Biography

            Born in Countryside of Bakur, Jiwan’s subdistict, Madiun’s regency, East Java, 16 August 1882 - dying in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 17 December 1934 at age 52 year, complete so called of Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, national warrior now more knowledgeable by the name of H.O.S Cokroaminoto. He represent a leader one of the organization that is Sarekat Islam.
Tjokroaminoto is second child from 12 relative of so called father of R.M. Tjokroamiseno, one of the functionary of governance at that moment. Its grandfather, R.M. Duke of Tjokronegoro, have also taken hold of as Regent of Ponorogo.
            De Ongekroonde van of Java or Uncrowned King Java" so called of Tjokroaminoto is one of the exponent of movement in indonesia and as teacher all big leaders in indonesia, leaving from idea is bearing is assorted of nation ideology of Indonesia at that moment, house he have time to be made by house of kost big leaders for the bail out of science to him, that is Semaoen, Alimin, Muso, Soekarno, Kartosuwiryo, even Tan Malaka have to him, he is one who first time refuse to at one's feet of Dutch, after he die to born variegation movement of indonesia woke up by its pupils, namely socialist clan or communism embraced by Semaoen, Muso, Alimin, Soekarno which is nationalist, and Kartosuwiryo which is islam double as personal secretary. But, third its pupil is disagreing each other according to each understanding.
Influence of strength of politics at that moment enable leaders which is that flock each other vis till happened Rebellion of Madiun 1948 which conducted by communist Party of Indonesia because proclamation " Republic of Soviet Indonesia" led by is Muso and perforcedly president of Soekarno deliver elite troops of TNI namely Division of Siliwangi resulting " elder brother" chummy greeting of Soekarno to communist Muso cock of the roost is at that moment picked off by 31 October, and continued by rebellion by State Islam Indonesia (NII) led by Kartosuwiryo and finally capital punishment dropped by Soekarno to its closed friend of Kartosuwiryo at 12 September 1962.
            In May 1912, HOS Tjokroaminoto found organization of Sarekat Islam which is is previous to be recognized is Federal of Trade Islam and chosen become ketua.Ia buried by in TMP Pekuncen, Yogyakarta, after falling sick finished follow Congress in Banjarmasin. One of the trilogy of celebrated him is “as high as science, as pure as unity of God, cleverness investigation”. This depict atmosphere struggle of Indonesia at a period of him needing three ability at a combatant of independence.
From various its pupil which is most is he take a fancy to is Soekarno till he do Soekarno marry with its child namely Siti Oetari, first wife of Soekarno. Its Message to All its pupils is " if all of you want to be big Leader, writing like journalist and speak like orator" this word anaesthetize its pupils till make Soekarno each;every night scream to learn oration till make its closed friend that is Muso, Alimin, Kartosuwiryo, Darsono, and the other woke up and laugh witnessing him.

 Background Education

            He enter district civil servant in the year 1900 after end study in Oplayding School Foor Inladishe Ambegtenaren ( OSVIA) in age twenty year, Magelang. However in the year 1907, he set mind on exit of district civil servant because have go against the stomach with policy of Dutch. Three year later;then he work as jury write in Kepatihan Ngawi, even have become patih. Hereinafter he move to Surabaya and take technique majors in night-school of Hogore Burger of School, and work in an sugar mill of Ragojampi. After a few times he go out from its work and enter in organization of sarekat islam.
In the year 1907, he starts to elaborate journalistic world, with its articles that's in sending in various printing which is recognized very keen. With a heavy hand in journalistic world cause to leave its duty from governance of Indies Dutch. Later;Then he apply for to become engine-driver, and work as chemist in a sugar mill near in Surabaya.
 From here the spirit of will its him sprout, by proving to step into political arena and organizational start all active to indigenous young man to be more improve ability and awareness in all area. After going to give or obtain cash for pilgrimage, and back to Indonesia by leaving his aristocracy, and presenting x'self with title of Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto.
In the year 1905, standing organization of Sarekat Trade Islam, in founded by a so called kiai H. Samanhudi. Organizational this is organization movement of corps all entrepreneur of batik in Solo. Founded as respon to "policy" governmental of Very Dutch set aside resident which believe in islam, and place white class citizen which believe in Christian as first class citizen.
            In a short time the place of all merchant of this Moslem disseminate to entire of fatherland. They found SDI in its him each, and found branchs of SDI in its area. While in Surabaya, Tjokroaminioto greet SDI and become a young leader as chief branch SDI in East Java
Result Of Idea

a. Idea of Nasionalisme-Islam
            Tjokro start to transfer to Islam in more serious meaning. At September 1922, he start to publish beam article " Islam and Socialism" in Soeara Boemiputera and try to base its socialism view at Islam. At Congress of Al-Islam in Cirebon, 31 Oktober-2 November 1922, he is also lifted as congress chief. Important meaning of this congress, like told by Agus Salim, that is to " pushing association all moslem faction in Indies or Moslem in all the world and assist" inspiration that see Kemal Attaturk as leader of laboring byword for the shake of association of Islam socialism in Islam
            socialism major understanding "friendship" or " friendship" where opposing against understanding " individualism". Socialism want way of thinking " one making all and all making one", this socialism theory have intention will improve;repair impecunious human being faction chance and many its amount. Socialism aspiration in that Islam not less than its thirteen age century and cannot be told to emerge from influence of Europe nation. With existence of religious obligatory law of islam mean to oblige plutocrat release the expense of for pauper. Governance rule and military in countrys of islam first have the character of socialist finely.
 According to HOS Cokroaminoto in socialism understanding there is three anasir that is :
1) Independence
2) Equation
 3) brotherhood
Result of masterpiece

            Tjokroaminoto also represent critical writer, but still some people which not yet known result of its masterpiece, and books which in creating by Cokroaminoto become reference materials to in using among all activists at new order epoch.
            Masterpiece write that for example a. Islam and Socialism in the year 1924
 Islam and Socialism represent written by book is Tjokroaminoto in the effort facing idea led by Semarang is Soemaoen. this Book 148 page;yard, by konfrehensif express meaning of socialism. He even also explain that socialism as an rationale have so much variant. Idea of socialism of Marx  representing modern socialism reference, taking root at materialism philosophy of histories which clearly oppose against Islam teaching. Because according to him materialism of histories teach that material of is single which is ' there is' that way occult Marx things negate is including God. Hereinafter he explain that elementary principle of socialism is independence, equality, and brotherhood, this values in the reality not merely there is in Islam but have been executed concretely at a period of Rasulullah and all friend. So that he write down in one part of the its book of Islam and Socialism with " for us moslem there no variety or socialism of isme better, which more exquisite and more august but socialism which based on just Islam that's is". This book become evidence so its strength of read of Tjokroaminoto to masterpieces thinker of West.
A. Program Ground and Program of Tandhim Party of Sarekat Islam Indonesia in the year 1930.

 This book represent organizational hold of PSII. this Book 99 page;yard in fact have been formulated by since third Congress National and continue to be improve;repaired completed by at Congress in Yogyakarta in the year 1930. According to this Ohan Sudjana book have been compiled by in Bogor of is  26 October 1931. So its him this book, according to trust as a, this book is written with dictated from Rasullullah in dream of Tjokroaminoto. This Book discuss to regarding Islam base that is creed sentence by konfrehensif and its consequence for every moslem. He explain that Al-Qur'An which have been degraded by Allah at 14 last century have perfected as guidance of human being. This book is interpretation of Tjokroaminoto to Islam teaching in the effort replying and overcoming problemss expanding to pass activation of  PSII. studied Things for example; association of Islam people, subsistence of people, nature of governance, education and instruction, and others.
            According to Tjokroaminoto in this book ground program of PSII compiled in six struggle level that is: association of people, independence of people, nature of governance, subsistence of economics, human being degree and situation, and real independence. On the other side, as for program of tanzim party about arm rest and resistance move resistance consist of three fundamental, that is: leaning on “innocence unity of God, leaning on science , and lean on tactics (respective politics) with country and nation of spilled blood alone, and political go to intention will reach communication or association with Islam people in other country (Pan Islamisme).
c. Tarich Islamic Religion, History and View of Life and Journey of Prophet of Muhammad in the year 1931

 Its masterpiece which become alternative to Indonesia moslem people to study Islam history and Prophet of Muhammad SAW. In book prologue as thick as this 203 page;yard, he lay open that book which studying about thickness hundreds of page;yard and pass its book will facilitate comprehending  it. Reference of Tjokroaminoto in writing of this book is Islam moslem scholar composition in occident. This matter is comprehended by because its of Ianguage him of arab. At its growth of this book is criticized by some Indonesia moslem scholar alone because reference moslem scholars of Tjokroaminoto like Maulwi Muhammad Ali is moslem scholar of Ahmadiyah which its true at that moment have started there is suspicion to deviation of this teaching. But out side of that pass this book of  Tjokroaminoto wish to awaken Indonesian nation optimism that by is strightened of given by former Religion Allah people of remarkable feather in one's cap the Public Reglemen To Ummat Islam in the year 1934.
 Last written book before its death. This book is discussed in congress of  PSII to XIX in Jakarta and ratified in congress of  PSII to XX in Banjarnegara at 20-26 May 1934, only some month;moon before Tjokroaminoto pass away. this 69 page;yard book contain 20 chapter trying to explain a small part of about life and his solution which leaned to Al-Qur'An and of Hadis. In this book the nature of moslem scholar of Tjokroaminoto uppermost so, so that in moderation if he also earn us conceive of moslem scholar.
Situation Of Society Century of XX

            In early century of XX, medial of decline of storey;level prosperity of indigenous resident, and clan of santri success muster again strength in society to launch new movement. Birth the representing remarkable event and there no two him, because preceding movement of while nationality of facet of islam, he precede religious reform. But Dutch also write that the presenting change which only quantitative besifat non change qualitative to countryside - countryside in Java, in the meaning that understanding of radikalisme in area agriculture of ala the is not new matter. Any way to countryside people and town, islam sarekat represent which have old in awaiting to a change. Together with movement of santri its his, the answering to change which in causing monetary process, indigenous society integration and poorness into worldwide economy. This change have denatured economic arrangement, social relation, life of religion, and politics.
            The later;then become mass organization. Only some just place of its official member consist of all  merchant, like yanga in Teak;Core state, seventh of its official member member altogether merchant. In other place, usually include;cover all wage earner group in local society, including all farmer and priayai. In Madura and of Surakarta, even indigenous soldier enter organization.
Easy to conclude that in body, feeling life resistent to hard Chinese. Nation Chinese is especial rival all indigenous entrepreneur and represent target prejudice society rasial. Special rights which passed to Chinese nation by government of colonial, enough give reason for the compare of Chinese with colonist clan. Action resisten to Chinese happened in many town in Java and of  Madura, especially after launching action of boycott to effort Chinese and move forward the effort co-operation or indigene.
 In the year 1913, turbulence resisten to Chinese disseminate to north towns coast wise in West Java, Middle Java and east jawa, start from Tanggerang, continue at Lasem, Rembang, Tuban, Surabaya and Pasuruan. Action movement that in fact is not have the character of side, because seen that after erupting Chinese year refolusi 1911, Chinese in Indonesia show its arrogancy to resident of Java, because feeling its nationality which culminate. Change of Chinese nation attitude, awakening to feel indigenous resident nationality. When breaking fight fight against Chinese in Surakarta in the year 1913, government of colonial immediately realize what a danger that event him, because from 900 local military team people, 123 people is member. If only this team of be in motion fight against Chinese, hence in a moment inextricable calamity.
But badly occurence happened in Holy in the year 1918. By then in Holy there are setlements of Chinese in the middle of Java towns, governmental by Wijkmeester alone, a Chinese Iieutenant. At that time emulation have venomous between businessman of Chinese cigerette and aborigines. At any times, entrepreneur of Chinese assist management an event of a to-do around reported town as traditional party to heal influenza epidemic. All audience walked to see a looked into pageants affront clan of santri, caused by woman man couple with pilgrimage sorban above head of sipria which is its motion of him seen to debase degree of pilgrimage in general. fight among aborigines and cina and also pageant with audience even also cannot avoidance. Disturbance that happened, soul arise victim and estae in the form of 50 house which in burning out, eight people of cina dead and 200 people again save x'self to Semarang. Cannot in ascertaining do the local got mixed up with that riot, but in that between 20 merchant people and 20 kyai fell by penalization because faulted lead riot, a lot become the official member of in center deny involvement as organization in.
Hostility among clan with Chinese clan, based on difference of ideology. Middle faction of santri unite x'self with people oppose what referred as by disaffected Tjokroaminoto like capitalism, though he have never itemized its idea into systematic interpretation about society building desired. formulated ideology systematicly is finally inseminated by left faction, what referred as squeezing from branch of Semarang below leadership of sema'un. But, left faction, avoiding riot do not be organizational in instructing strategic target him, that is company of capitalist clan property of west, like company of train, plantation, sugar mill in all Java, with striker organization. This matter non meaning that society radikalisme is result of left faction propaganda. Many official member of stick or branch in small towns launch hard action oppose government without approval from official member of center.

            But much more important from movement of Muhammadiyah is movement of Sarekat Islam which by leaps and by bounds disseminate in all Java. In just Jakarta is amount of its member have reached 12.000 people. Return to arise care of European burned by mass media of Conservative Europe, so that society ever with the tail between the legs.
            Follower is not limited in town, but also hinterland, especially in East Java. At january 1913 is here performed by congress drawn up for trade. Effort them to key up commerce life in Indonesia have is enough signalized. After now luxuriating in it, influence they not descrease. Although if in Resolution year 1913 set mind on shall no longger accept one who is non Indonesian people, still Arab many people which remain to be member. Ali Al-Habji, a orthodox religion teacher in Jakarta, trying to improve religious tone of that organization.

Sarekat Islam which is  previous to be recognized is Federal of Trade Islam and chosen become chief. He is buried in TMP Pekuncen, Yogyakarta, after falling sick finished follow Congress in Banjarmasin. One of the trilogy of celebrated him is “as high as science, as pure as unity of God, cleverness investigation”. This depict atmosphere struggle of Indonesia at a period of him needing three ability at a combatant of independence.
            He enter district civil servant in the year 1900 after end study in Oplayding School Foor Inladishe Ambegtenaren (OSVIA) in age twenty year in Magelang, But afterwards him exit. Tjokro start to transfer to Islam in more serious meaning. At September 1922, he start to publish beam article "Islam and Socialism" in Soeara Boemiputera and try to base its socialism view at Islam.


 Iskandar, Salman. 2009. 99 Figure Moslem Indonesia, Bandung : PT Mizan Book.
 Kuntowijoyo. 1994. Islam interpretation paradigm for the action of. Bandung: Mizan.
 Http://Id. Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Tjokroaminoto. In accessing at 16 May 2015.
 Anizzuyana, political figure of hos.cokroaminoto, islam. in accessing at 21
 May 2015.
 Al-Gadri, Hamid.1996. Islam and Clan Of Arab, Bandung : Mizan

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